Monday, May 15, 2006

Fethiye, Tlos, & Saklıkent Gorge

This morning I caught a bus out to see Saklıkent gorge. Turned out to be more of a tourist bus than the simple local transport I'd intended to catch. This worked out well as I got to see the ancient Lycean city of Tlos (which I ended up enjoying more than the gorge) too. Here are a few pictures from the tour...

Fethiye itself is gorgeous. I don't know if I've ever been anywhere else where you can look across a pristine blue harbor to see snow capped mountains in the distance. Were I not looking forward to my blue cruise so much I would want to stay a couple more days.

I leave tomorrow morning for four days on a boat to Olympos. I'm not sure whether I will have internet access at any of the stops so this may be my last post until Friday evening.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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