Friday, May 12, 2006

Pamukkale & Heirapolis

The big draw at Pamukkale are the travertines (calcium formations) that have formed natural pools down the side of the cliff behind the town. Unfortunately Turkey is allowing most of the water to be diverted to the town so that the hotels can all offer mineral water pools. This is really too bad as the travertines would probably be one of the most spectacularly beautiful things I've ever seen if they were full of water as they're supposed to be. However, even though the Turks are trying their hardest to ruin the travertines (calcium formations) at Pamukkale I still enjoyed them and took quite a few pictures.

In addition to the travertines, Pamukkale also hosts the ruins of the ancient Roman spa city of Heirapolis. These were my favorite ruins so far in Turkey and I spent hours taking it all in.

Finally, here are a pair of sunset pictures to finish up. The second one is actually from Bodrum rather than Pamukkale but fits with the last Pamukkale photo so I thought I'd add it here.


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