Sunday, February 03, 2008

Hiking to EBC Part 2: To Gorak Shep

The trail map of my trek is here for those who want to follow along.

Day 4: Tengboche To Dingboche

Continuing where I left off, the next morning I got up and set out from Tengboche for the hike up to Dingboche at 4410 meters. Dingboche is a bit out of the way so traditionally people used to go to Pheriche which is about 150 meters lower and on the more direct route up to base camp. However, gaining the additional 150 meters not only makes the next leg easier but also makes it safer to skip a night at Dugla and head directly to Lobuche so now most trekkers take this route.

In any case the hike up to Dingboche was another pleasant day although one of the longest days of the hike up to base camp. Anyway, on to the pictures.

After reaching Dingboche I took a walk several hundred meters higher up the ridge behind town to aid in acclimatization.

Day 5: Acclimatization Hike To Chukkung Ri

Since I was now higher than I had been anywhere in the Annapurna region I spent the usual day acclimatizing in Dingboche. This does not mean I just sat around doing nothing however, instead a stiff walk up to a higher altitude is recommended. Rather than just climbing the ridge behind town as most people did I walked up to the town of Chhukhung then climbed most of the way up Chhukhung Ri. At over 5500 meters this put me within a few of meters of the highest altitude I would reach, and made for the single largest daily altitude gain of the entire trek.

Day 6: Dingboche To Lobuche

The next day was an easy walk up through Dugla to the town of Lobuche at 4910 meters. Most of the day was a gentle and relatively flat hike with only one steep part climbing up the terminal moraine of the Khumba glacier after lunch in Dugla.

Day 7: Lobuche To Gorak Shep

This day was another short hike up to Gorak Shep at 5140 meters. This is the last town on the way to base camp and I spent two nights there while exploring Kala Patthar and Everest base camp itself.

On the afternoon of the day I arrived in Gorak Shep I climbed Kala Patthar for the views of Everest but I'm saving the photos of that part for the next post.

While I'm at it, its time to mention that this trip is just about over. I fly to Bangkok on the 6'th (only 3 days). I plan to spend a couple weeks in Thailand renewing my scuba certification on one of the islands before I head home in late February. I probably won't finish posting my pictures of Nepal before I leave though so expect regular posting to continue for at least another week. As usual I wouldn't expect too much in the way of pictures from Thailand itself although there may be a few since I'll be going somewhere new this time.


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