Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hiking To ABC Part 2: Into Annapurna Sanctuary

This second part of my Annapurna trek post covers the walk from Tadapani up into Annapurna Sanctuary.

Day 4: Tadapani To Chomrong

This was another very nice walk. The morning started out with a long and very steep drop through forest and terraced farmland down to the river crossing at the bottom of the next valley.

From there it was a walk back up the other side of the valley to Chomrong at 2170 meters. Chomrong was the first place on this trek where I had stayed on my first trip up to ABC in 1994.

Day 5: Chomrong To Dobhan

The next morning it was up early to cross the final major valley before heading up into Annapurna Sanctuary. From Chomrong meters it's a 350 meter drop to the river crossing, at which point you've only gained 800 meters from where the bus drops you off so almost all the climbing up to that point was for nothing. This time the climb back up the other side of the valley didn't seem so bad though.

From Sinua I continued on Bamboo (2340 meters) to Dobhan (2560 meters) where I spent the night.

Day 6: Dobhan To MBC

The walk from Dobhan up to the misnamed Machhapuchhre Base Camp (climbing Machhapuchhre is not allowed so it is not really a base camp) is a steady but mostly gentle uphill walk. The weather all day was interesting as every 30 minutes or so the clouds will blow up from the valley and completely obscure everything so it was like hiking in a heavy fog for a few minutes.

The morning was a 3 or so hour walk up to Deurali. At 3150 meters this is the last place to stop before heading up to MBC and ABC. In 1994 I dumped a bunch of gear here (I was carrying way too much that time) to lighten the load for the final climb.

Just before Deurali the trail leaves the tree line behind and from there it was another 2 1/2 hour walk up to MBC. I remember this part being difficult and rather boring last time but this time I really enjoyed the walk and the scenery.

That's probably more than enough for now. I'll continue this tomorrow with pictures from MBC and ABC.


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