Tuesday, February 19, 2008

That Final Nepal Post I've Been Promising.

Seems a bit strange to be posting more Nepal pictures this long after I left, but better late than never I guess.

These are all pictures taken in and around Kathmandu, including my walks to Swayambunath and Boudhanath stupas and Pashnupatinath temple.




Around Kathmandu

Leaving Nepal

I don't really have any wrap-up for Nepal other than to mention that I loved just about every minute of my time there (the exception being the part where I was very very ill right after arriving). I already miss it and am starting to think about going back for more hiking.

In other news, I head back to the states in only two days. Since I don't have many pictures from Thailand, this may well be the last real post from this trip. However, I am going diving in the Caymans the first week March and will probably buy or rent an underwater camera for the trip. So, check back around the second week of March for pictures of this post-trip vacation. After that this blog goes on hiatus for about a year until the next trip begins.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll miss watching for new posts of your adventures, but must admit I will be happy to have you back in the States.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:43:00 PM  
Blogger Amy Jiang said...

Nice pics Brian! I'm jealous... you get up to way more adventures than I can manage these days.

Friday, December 05, 2008 11:58:00 AM  

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