Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Here are two more pictures from Kanchanaburi before I head off to catch the train back to Bangkok.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Kanchanaburi is about like I remembered it. I didn't do much after I arrived yesterday but today I went out and tried to see some things I'd missed on my previous visits.

To start out with, here are some pics of my guesthouse (same place I stayed in 2003/2004).

The rest are pictures taken in and around Kanchanaburi over the past two days. The first was taken from the train yesterday and the rest while I was out sightseeing today.

I had two more that I wanted to post but they really need to be cropped to show properly and this computer doesn't have a picture editor capable of accomplishing that. Maybe tomorrow.

Off to dinner at Apple's restaurant. If pressed I would have to call this the best restaurant I've discovered in any of my travels so I'm quite looking forward to dinner.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Khao San

Time for a some of the requisite Khao San road pictures. Nothing really new here - these pictures were really just an excuse to play with my new toy.

Of course, even though the river in Bangkok isn't all that picturesque, we have to have at least one picture over the water at sunset.

Tomorrow morning I head to Kanchanaburi to run out the time it will take for my Laos visa to come back. For those who weren't here the last time around my pictures from the last trip are here.

Friday, January 27, 2006

In Bangkok

Made it to Bangkok safe, sound, and approximately on time.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Photo Dump

Time for one last post before I break down my computer and pack it up for shipping. These are just a few pictures from the past year that I never posted.

First some shots from around my neighborhood. Some of these were meant for the theme posts I promised back in the spring that never quite worked out.

Some miscellaneous shots from around Bangalore...

And finally, some pictures my most-visited restaurants. These are all right near my apartment. I ate most of my meals over the past year at these places.

My next post will be from Thailand next week. I should be back to more regular blogging one the traveling starts up again.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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