Saturday, June 06, 2009

Koh Tao Sunset

So far it's been overcast almost every afternoon for this whole trip, which is not too surprising given the time of year. However, a few days ago the weather was nice enough that there was an approximation of a sunset.

Tomorrow I start my rescue diver certification course which means I won't be carrying my camera on the few dives. Not that anyone can tell the difference what with the stellar job I've been doing keeping this blog updated. I do have a whole bunch of pictures that I want to post from my recent dives that I haven't gotten around to sorting through yet.

In other news it looks like I'm going to spend the rest of my time in Thailand on Koh Tao. My original plan was to leave in a week or so and dive the west coast, however I've been asking around and it sounds like it's not worth it during the monsoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful enough to paint!

Sunday, June 07, 2009 11:38:00 AM  

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