Thursday, August 30, 2012

Brunei, Part I

OK, so I'm completely enamored of the diving in Brunei. In addition to the quality of the diving it doesn't hurt that crowd-wise this is pretty much the opposite of Sipadan. At least half my dives have been just me and a dive guide on the site. There are apparently a few other dive shops here but I haven't seen another dive boat yet. Good thing I only have about 3 readers 'cause I don't want to come back here in a year or two and find a dozen dive operators dumping hundreds of people on every dive site.

More to come in a few days. I leave here on Sunday but already have enough pictures picked out for another post.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Stepping Back In Time A Bit

Since I haven't posted any pictures in a while here are a few from Tulamben that I've been saving. The most recent of these was taken a month ago today so these are getting a bit old by now.

In other news, I really enjoyed my first day of diving in Brunei. Most of the diving here is wreck diving which makes a nice change. So far it seems to have good mix of macro and big schools of fish. I saw loads of juvenile Yellow-Tail Barracuda today and schools of Barracuda, particularly juveniles, are one of my favorite things to see.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Off To The Next Spot.

I finished my Sipadan snd Mabul diving a couple days ago and am currently waiting for the flight to Brunei for another 10 days of diving before heading back to Indonesia. Why Brunei? I'd wanted to dive some more in Borneo, but was unable to book anything at Layang Layang or Lankayan. Brunei was suggested to me by a few people and so I decided to check another country off my list.

Anyway, no more pictures for now. I haven't even gone through my stuff from the last 5 days in Sipadan, and it was mostly videos anyway. In the meantime, Dancer Fleet has posted the video of my Alor trip from July on "Dancer TV". It's currently the front video here, or you can try the direct link if the Alor video is no longer showing by default.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So I've Been A Bit Lazy With The Sipidan Posts...

I'm only diving the Sipidan area for a few more days and I've finally gone through enough of my pictures to put a quick post together. Most of these are from local dives around Mabul but there are a few from Sipadan itself. Enjoy.

In other news, I've been having trouble finding somewhere else in Malaysian Borneo to dive between the time I finish here and my return to Indonesia so I've decided to head to Brunei of all places.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

One More From Alor.

Posted with even less comment than usual.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Catching up.

I've been diving in Malaysia for almost a week now with my first dives at Sipadan yesterday and today. Although I'm enjoying the dives a lot the conditions aren't the best for photography. Unfortunately the visibility has been lousy and in any case Sipidan is all about bigger stuff so not the best subjects for my camera.

Anyway, I've finally finished going through my pictures from the Alor liveaboard so here are a few more. I'll probably post one more batch of Alor pictures - and maybe something from Tulamben too - before I get around to showing anything from around here.

All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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