Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It Had To Happen Eventually

Well, the Komodo Dancer trips didn't work out quite as planned. Four days into the first trip I came down with a high fever. After 2 days of fighting it I returned to Bali for a blood test. Turned out I had Dengue and had to spend a few nights in the hospital. Happily it didn't turn hemorrhagic and I was released last Friday but need to spend some time resting and recovering. So here I am bored to tears in a hotel room in Bali and missing the second trip.

Not quite the way I'd hoped to spend the last weeks of this trip. The few days of diving I did get in Komodo were every bit as good as I remembered from 2009 though. And I do have a week in the Maldives coming up on my way home so there's that to look forward to.

I still haven't even looked at my pictures from the dives in Komodo. I'll get around to it one of these days and hopefully have something worth posting.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

A Few From Lombok

It was nice being back in Gili Trawangan for a few days. I dove with the same shop from my previous trip although there were very few people still there from my visit in 2009. The diving was better than I remembered it being though, although not that great for photography.

I wasn't in Gili long enough to do any real tech diving this year although I did have the chance to dive the Japanese Wreck which was my first planned staged decompression dive in some time. And this year my camera came back with me which was an improvement over last time.

On to the photos. Don't expect much.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm off on the Komodo Dancer for almost 3 weeks in Komodo. My trips to Komodo in 2009 were the best diving I've ever done so needless to day I'm looking forward to this. I'll be mostly offline through early October but will have a break between the two trips on the 19'th and 20'th. I'll try to get a post up from Labuan Bajo with pictures from the first half then.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

More From Brunei

I'm in KL for the night on my way back to Indonesia. As mentioned I had a few more pictures from Brunei I wanted to post and have picked out a few more since then.

I'm already missing the diving in Brunei but a week from now I'll be back in Komodo so I'll probably survive. In the meantime, I plan to head back to Gili Trawangan where I spent a lot of time when I was in Indonesia in 2009. Doubt I'll be going quite as deep this year though.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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