Saturday, January 22, 2011

Annapurna Circuit Part 2

Continuing where I left off, again mostly without comment...

Day 7: Upper Pisang to Ngawal

The following day was an acclimatization day in Ngawal. I'd planned to take a short hike to higher altitude but wasn't feeling well so I just ended up lounging around the guest house. So no pictures from day 8.

Day 9: Ngawal to Manang

Day 10: Manang to Yak Kharka

Day 11: Yak Kharka to 'High Camp'

Day 12: Across the Thorang La to Muktinath

Day 13: Muktinath to Kagbeni

If you look closely at the last picture here you can see a good chunk (about 2 1/2 hours worth) of the trail descending from the Thorang La pass.

Tomorrow I'm off to do another live-aboard trip around the Simalins. I'll post part 3 when I return.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Could I be any lazyier about posting?

It's been some time since I've posted so time for a quick update. I'd planned to post part two of the trek but left my map back in my room. I'll try to get it done tomorrow though.

I decided shortly after returning to Kathmandu that I wasn't up for another trek this year, mostly due to the cold. Turned out to be a good thing as the Kathmandu bug hit my gut about about the time I would have flown to Lukla. I didn't have it as bad as I did in 2007 but it would have prevented me from hiking for about a week.

Anyway, I'm back in Thailand for more diving in the Simalin islands. I plan to spend a couple weeks here then head back west to the Andamans for a month or so. I'm getting kind of excited as it's been a long time since I've been in India.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Annapurna Circuit Part 1

I guess it's about time I start posting pictures from the Annapurna circuit trek. Posted mostly without comment.

Day 0: Kathmandu to Bhulbhule

The first day was mostly a long day by bus then jeep to Khudi. From there it was a short 45 minute walk along the road to Bhulbhule.

Day 1: Bhulbhule to Bahundanda

An easy start to the trek. Most of the day was a gentle climb with only a short steep section below Bahundanda.

Day 2: Bahundanda to Jagat

Day 3: Jagat to Tal

Day 4: Tal to Danakyu

Day 5: Danakyu to Chame

This was the first day with lots of mountain views as the trail started to head northwest past the eastern end of the Annapurna range.

Day 6: Chame to Upper Pisang

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Thorang La

I'm back from the Annapurna Circuit trek (I've actually been back in Pokhara for a few days already but have been too lazy to post). The Trek was nice but exhausting - I had a much harder time than last time I was here. However, I managed to make it over the Thorang La pass, which is something I was never sure I could manage.

I'm not going to post many pictures until I get back to my laptop in Kathmandu but in the meantime here's a shot of my scruffy self at the pass.

All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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