Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More Pictures from the Alor Trip.

I'm back from a few days diving in Tulamben and getting ready to leave Indonesia tomorrow. Before I get too far behind here are a few more shots from the Komodo Dancer trip from last week.

Anyway, tomorrow I head to Malaysia for 3 weeks or so of diving in and around Sipadan in Borneo. I can't wait - I've been hearing about it since shortly after I started diving so I'm looking forward to finally getting there. After that I'll be coming back to Indonesia for some Komodo diving.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back From Alor

I'm back in Bali after my 10 day Liveaboard in South-Eastern Indonesia. The diving was good and the boat was fantastic. So much so that I've decided to return to Indonesia to dive Komodo with them after Malaysia rather than traveling on the Fiji, Pulao, or some other new destination.

Here are a few quick pictures from the trip. More later.

Interesting (to me at least) triva about that last picture. I've seen quite a few Ribbon Eels now and have very few in focus pictures of them. In this case the camera was refusing to lock focus on the thing at but I decided to go ahead and snap a few shots anyway just because this was the only blue one I've seen this year. And voila, the best shot I've ever taken of one. Go figure.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Lembeh Nudibranchs Part 2

And, for my final Lembeh post here are the rest of the Nudibranch pictures I've been saving. Most of these are species and in some cases genera that I'd never seen before my two weeks in Lembeh.

Tomorrow I fly to Maumere in eastern Flores for a 10 day live-aboard to Alor so this is likely the last post until I return to Bali on the 21'st. After that I only have a few more days in Indonesia before I head to Malaysia for three or more weeks of diving in Sipadan.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Another Lembeh Picture Dump

I'm stuffing way more pictures than I normally like to in this post, but I only have a few more days before my upcoming liveaboard and I still have a bunch from Lembeh. Also my hosting company seems to have removed my storage space limits so I might as well abuse the privilege.

I'm somewhat arbitrarily breaking this post up into sections to avoid a single big blob-o-random-pictures. First up, some small stuff....

Now for a slightly smaller blob-o-random-pictures...

And finally, a few pictures that I wanted to call out separately because they're some of my favorites from Lembeh...

There should be one more Lembeh post in a day or two since I still have a whole bunch of Nudibranch pictures I've been saving.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

This Post Has More Tentacles Than A Cthulhu Family Reunion

I'm no longer in Lembeh but still have a bunch of pictures to post to get caught up. This post features all the species of Octopuses I saw while I was there.

I almost posted this a week or so ago but wanted to wait in case I saw a Blue-Ringed Octopus which, along with the Hairy Frogfish and the Mimic Octopus, was one of the critters I most wanted to see in Lembeh. Sure enough this past Sunday I finally saw one. On my 700'th dive no less.

Anyway I'm in Nusa Lembongan for the next six or seven days. Right now I'm finishing up a sunset beer at the same restaurant where I wrote my long Anatomy Of A Deep Trimix Dive post over a couple of days almost three years ago.

The next post or two will feature more Lembeh pictures since I still have a bunch of stuff from there. And Lembongan is more about the big stuff which doesn't photograph as well, but one can always hope.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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