Saturday, June 30, 2012

Miscellaneous Lembeh Pictures

I'm slowly making my way through the massive number of pictures I've taken in Lembeh, so here are a few of the ones I like so far. Most of these were taken the first week here although the last picture is from yesterday.

Only one and a half more days of diving here then it's off to Nusa Lembongan.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's About Time For A Lembeh Nudibranch Dump

There is a huge variety of Nudibranchs in Lembeh and I've been accumulating pictures of them at an alarming rate. So I guess it's about time to post the first batch.

I'm still enjoying the diving in Lembeh and have lots more pictures to post over the next few days. I have another 5 days diving in Lembeh then I head off to the next destination. My plans aren't final yet but it's looking like a few days in Nusa Lembongan off then off to a live-aboard in the Alor islands in far south eastern Indonesia. I dove Nusa Lenbongan in 2009 and liked it a lot but the Alor Islands will be all new.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Hairy Situation

I'm loving the diving in the Lembeh straight and, as expected, there's tons of photogenic stuff to see. I've taken so many pictures that I'm falling days behind on going through them all to pick out the worthwhile ones. All the diving I'm doing hasn't helped either.

Anyway, on to the pictures. All of these were taken on a single dive at 'Hairball 2' this past Wednesday. For those who are interested, all of these were taken without the new strobe since I'd drained the batteries on the previous dive. This old manual white balance method probably worked better with the lighting in the shallower part of this dive site where most of these pictures were taken anyway.

That's it for now. Look for more in a couple days.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bunaken Picture Dump

Here's a sampling of pictures from the last two days of diving in Bunaken. I'm particularly excited about the picture of the Pygmy Seahorse - it was less than 1 cm long and not easy to photograph as it waved around in the current. That picture alone was worth the hassle and expense of having a replacement camera shipped over here. Also, think I'm getting the external strobe thing down now, although it's still hard to use it the shallows where the light is good and quite a few of my pictures end up all washed out.

Anyway, I've left Bunaken for Lembeh, which I expect to be the highlight of this trip. I've been dying to come here since I heard about it during my last trip to Indonesia. Lembeh is supposed to have the largest concentration of weird critters in the world so I expect great things.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hooray, Our Long Cameraless Nightmare Is Over

Amazingly enough my replacement camera arrived safe and sound yesterday, so I should have some content again. Fun fact: UPS support in the states thinks the camera is still in Jakarta!

I'm currently in Bunaken, a small island in north eastern Sulawesi. After 10 days of great diving in Bali I was initially disappointed with the diving here, but after a day or so it's really starting to impress me. There's not a lot of big fish, but the reefs are pretty and there's quite a bit of stuff to look at.

Anyway, on to the pictures...

I'll be in Bunaken for three more days then I head to Lembeh for 2 weeks of macro heaven. I can't wait - it's the centerpiece of this trip and the part I'm most looking forward to. After that things are somewhat up in the air, although I'm currently leaning towards flying to Flores and diving Komodo until my Indonesia visa runs out in late July.

Friday, June 01, 2012

That Koh Tao Whale Shark

Here are the promised shots of the Whale Shark I saw on my last day of diving in Koh Tao. It was only a little one (maybe 3 meters long) but still...

I'm currently in Lovina on the north coast of Bali. I dove out of here for a couple days back in 2009 and it's nice to be back. Today I did a couple "muck" dives in a nearby site that I hadn't seen before and they were fantastic. Among other things I saw an adult and 3 baby seahorses, an Octopus, and several colorful sea slugs. And a Frogfish, which is always an event.

Sadly there will be no pictures for a while as my camera malfunctioned the day I got here (of course). Theoretically I am having a replacement shipped to me at the dive resort I'll be diving with in Sulawesi but we'll see if it makes it. Either way there won't be any new pictures until at least the 11'th when I arrive in Bunaken.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I'm off for a night dive in a few.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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